Alias Lebaudy is a self-taught artist. The engraving entered his life by chance, a simple mistake in the Canson paper sleeve transported him as if by magic beyond all imagiation. In front of him this black support to animate,"Scratch card", absolute black under a virginal white layer.He still had to scratch the obscure matter, find words, put his soul into it.So much wealth, so much baseness accumulated in an existence. This existence has finally posed, spread like a perfume of eternity on the material of predilection.So many claws, as hazards of life to embellish, to make volutes and arabesques, to magnify.Faith, hope on the tip of a blade.Serenity, of the one who is moved by her dreams. The artist will humbly say of his work: "What a majestic chance to have found the extension of his eyes, his hand, his being...... »